
I believe there is nothing manlier than being a patriarch, than leading and caring for and serving a family. It's an overwhelming duty though, and doesn't come easy for most men. For that reason, this blog will break it down by the moments, and be a reminder that life is like a shopping trip and life's moments are the groceries: the goal is to get to the check out with your cart full of good, healthy stuff.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad.

I Still Miss You Dad.

I can't celebrate your birthday with you, but I can remind myself that it's your happiest birthday in a long time.

I can't hug you but I can hug my loved ones around me who help me to remember you.

I can't give you a gift, but I can help those around me with what you taught me and tell them it's from you.

I can't stop the hurt, the sadness or the anger that comes with missing you, but I can remind myself of these things over and over until, hopefully, it stings just a little less.

I love you Pop. My wife loves you. Even my daughter, who only saw you a few times including dancing for you the night before you passed away, loves you and talks about you all the time.

You're remembered and loved, and no longer confused or in pain. What more can we ask for?